There is a
somewhat misleading belief that people who are into sports, outdoor recreation
or professionals who use their feet more often, or more heavily are more prone
to foot injuries than the average human being. Well, it sounds logical. And
statistics may somehow support this although the difference may not be as
significant as people think. But the more glaring truth is that everyone who
walks or uses their feet is vulnerable to injury in some form or another, in some
degree or another.
The Strange Case of Varicose
And this fact
is easy to explain. The feet carries the
entire weight of the body. And again, although heavier people are usually more
prone to injuries, fractures and strains are also common even for non-athletes
since twists and straining the feet can happen due to any normal movement.
And then too,
there is the strange case of the varicose veins which seem to afflict anybody quite randomly. And although injuries
and strains are relatively more serious problems, varicose veins presents an
entirely different case. I speak from experience.
varicose is not as debilitating or not as threatening as sprains or fractures,
the physical appearance of a ‘spider vein’ is quite disturbing not only due to
its ghastly feature but because it look alarming. The sight of brown large
arteries around the feet that appear as if they are almost ready to burst any
moment is a frightening sight and an even more frightening probability.
Second, the
fact that the disorder is not definitively explained by vein doctors makes it all the more scary. Whereas injuries like
strain is easy to understand, the varicose veins, even in scientifically
advanced countries like Singapore, is not just as easily accounted for.
During my
first encounter with varicose veins, I did not feel any serious pain or so I
simply went to see our family doctor thinking that the problem may be genetic.
Some families simply have larger or thicker veins than others. Or some
bloodlines may have thin skin which is why their veins show or appear bloated. It
was then that I discovered that varicose veins is still a mystery. Accordingly,
its main cause is still inconclusive proven. Today, there are just various
hypothesis: bad posture, fatigue, genetics, lifestyle, type of work, even size
of shoes or a combination of these are possible causes.
Apparent Dangers and Available Remedies
But more than
that, I also learned that it was far from being genetic or minor. Despite not
feeling any serious physical effects, varicose veins suggest weak valves that keep blood from flowing from
the legs to heart, which if untreated could lead to immobility and permanent
damage. However, they may cause complications like leg ulcers, skin
discoloration and swelling,
And so, I immediately sought better
remedy from a credible vein clinic in Singapore.
Physicians in the center advised that the best corrective spider vein treatment
in Singapore, involve the use of laser technology which shoots string bursts of
light to close off smaller and ‘spider’ veins until they gradually fade and
disappear. In my experience, it was not a very dreadful process and was quite
effective for a while. But it was temporary and I needed time to find out if it
was working or not.
In the event that it does not work,
the more advanced option is a more invasive varicose vein treatment technique which
involves ligation and stripping. This means making incisions in the feet and
physically removing veins. And although it is more affordable in many Singapore vascular surgery clinics than it was a few years
ago, it was still a dangerous procedure. And quite frightening. Furthermore, despite
claims of their effectiveness, many patients still accuse that they cause bruising,
bleeding and pain which are themselves serious health threats. For now, I pray that my laser treatment would
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